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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Rainbows differ from school?

Rainbows is a voluntary activity for girls who wish to join. There is no homework and no exams. Girls learn through fun and may only realise years later the range of basic and life skills that they have learned in Guiding when they come to use them in later life.

Do Rainbows do badges?

Yes! The girls love receiving badges and the new Rainbow Programme has 12 interest badges girls can do at home and 12 Skills Builder badges that they will work on in the unit. Our unit does lots of challenge badges and once a girl completes her first sleepover she will also be awarded a sleepover badge.

As a Rainbow parent, what are my responsibilities?

Firstly to encourage your daughter in her Rainbow activities, to share her sense of achievement when she completes an activity, and to be proud of her when she makes and keeps her Promise.

There are also some practical responsibilities too. Guiding is run by volunteers, many of whom work and have their own families to look after. When taking your daughter to her meeting please ensure there is always an adult leader present before you leave her, and ensure you are always on time to collect her. A girl will never be left on her own at the end of a meeting but it is unfair on the Leaders and helpers to keep them waiting.

Is there a waiting list?

As Guiding is run by volunteers sometimes we cannot offer all the places that local girls would like. We would love to be able to offer every girl that wanted one a place. We can only do this with more support from parents and other adults who are willing to help. One more regular adult helper can often mean several more girls can join a unit. Regular adult help may not mean the same person every week but could mean a rota of willing volunteers. If you are willing to help then please talk to a leader when inquiring about spaces.

As the parent of a Rainbow you are recommended to find out about the waiting list for Brownie Packs in our area and if necessary place your daughter’s name on it, please talk to your daughters Rainbow Leader to find out more.

My daughter is not even 5 yet, can I put her name down?

Yes you can register your daughter on our waiting list and as soon as we have a space after she turns 5 we will contact you.

My daughter is nearly 7, is she too old for Rainbows?

From the age of 7 a girl may join Brownies, to find out more about our local Brownies please email

What will it cost?

Rainbow units charge subs to cover the costs of running the unit like craft materials and rent. Our unit charges £3.00 per week payable termly. There is also a joining fee for all new Rainbows of £15 to cover the books and badges that a girl will use during her life as a Rainbow. For special events, like day trips and Sleepovers an extra charge is usually made.
If you pay income tax your daughters Leaders can claim 25p in every £1 or subs or donations that you make. All you need to do is sign the Starting Rainbows form that the leader in charge will give you. The money raised each year from Gift Aid will be used to benefit all the girls, usually to subsidize the annual sleepover.